Friday, February 13, 2009

kLiuC's iNtErNaTi0NaL CuLTuRaL NiGhT...

Bena sebelum hari persembahan

The International Students of KLIUC will be organizing an International Students Festival, a two-day event to be held on the 12th (Thursday) and 13th (Friday) of February, 2009. The highlight of the festival is the International Culture Night, which is a presentation of colourful cultural performances by students of various backgrounds.

Alangkah best nyer kalau aku yang dapat wakakak

Best... best...

In order to enjoy the show, a ticket will be charged at RM3 per ticket.

In giving our support to the students of KLIUC, the Group is encouraging all staff to purchase the tickets and attend the show. Tickets are available at the Corporate Communications Department, or you can also purchase them from the students at their event booth, at the foyer of KLIUC.

In addition to the performances, a representative from the NSTP Group will also be attending the show to receive a mock cheque from the organisers for their Gaza Fund from the collection made by staff and students of Kumpulan Ikram. For those who have forwarded their contribution we thank you, but for those who would like to but has yet to do so, you may do so by coming forward to CCD, or forwarding the money to the designated person in your department asap.

Aku tak taw tarian nie nama per...

Persembahan yang paling bertenaga... aku suka tengok banggra (betui ker aku eja nie wakaka) bangra taw bukan bangla wakaka

Persembahan yang agak sopan santun

Persembahan yang agak2 bertenaga kot.. nie kalau berdasarkan pada gambar arr wakakak

Antara mereka yang telah menjayakan...

Antara pelajar dari luar negara yang menuntut ilmu di KLIUC nie

Pilih2... yang mana satu jadi pilihan korang wakakak

Antara yang hadir wakakak sekor pun aku tak kenai wakakak

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